Why can't I log Into Bridge?

A failing login can have several causes. Maybe you have a typo, changed your password recently or another problem is causing the login to fail.

Typing errors

You have a typo or some keys of your keyboard are broken.


  1. Enter your password in a field where it is displayed in clear text. If your password is correct, copy it into the Password field.
  2. Correct any typing errors.
  3. Check your login details.

Caps Lock is active

Caps lock (the key above the shift key that causes all typed letters to be in CAPITAL case) is active. Your password is case-sensitive.


  1. Deactivate Caps Lock.
  2. Correct any typing errors.
  3. Check your login details.

The "Password" field prefilled with the old password

You changed your password recently. The incorrect password is still saved in your browser.

Solution: Delete the saved password in your browser settings.

Incorrect email address and/or password

You are entering an incorrect email address and/or password.

Try other login data

Try log in with another email and/or password.

Forgot password

  1. Click forgot password.
  2. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Corrupted cookies

Corrupted cookies may sometimes cause problems during login.

Solution: Delete Browser Cookies

Follow the instructions on the site Delete Cookies